Some parents have asked about adult classes, so we have decided we will go ahead and begin an adult class. Kick off date is for Monday the 12th of April, after the easter break.
All abilities will be catered for, you don't need to be fit already but if you are, hopefully we can help you with finding a few new exercises that you haven't tried yet.
Classes will be pay as you go, so give it a try and you can progress along with your child and maybe have a lifelong shared interest.
Ask your instructors for further information.
If you have been training for over a month and have not yet paid the annual insurance please do so now.
Also if you have not yet returned registration forms please return them.
I know that it is easier to plan out your calender if you have advance warning of the club plans.
We will not have class on St. Patricks Day or any other bank holidays.
The early planning stages are going on to arrange an internal competition at the end of July which will finish us up for the summer.
There will be no training for the month of August.