Five weeks into 2017, the opportunity to gain points has been limited so far, however some dedicated students have got themselves on the list already.
In March I will publish an official top ten in all seven categories as a taster for now, the top scores are :Name, score and in brackets the two catagories that they are running in.
Matthew Friel 61 (Tuam, Coloured belts)
Séan Brandon 56 (Tuam, Brown and Black)
Jayden Murphy 56 (Tuam, Brown and Black)
Amy Riley Kearns 52 (Tuam, Coloured belts)
Séan Fleming 51(Tuam, Coloured belts)
Zoe Fleming 46 (Tuam, Coloured belts)
Conor Fleming 46 (Tuam, Coloured belts)
Kelly Keane 46 (Tuam, Brown and Black)
Diana Atmad 41 (Dunmore, Coloured Belts)
Luke Walsh 36 (Clonberne, Coloured Belts)
Alyssa Fahy 36 (Tuam, Brown and Black)
Sarah Brandon 35 (Tuam, Little Wolves)