May 12, 2010

Grading Application Forms

By now everyone who is eligible to grade should have received a notice about the up-coming grading on 19th June. If you have not please contact myself or Marie immediately.

It is important that the forms are returned with two passport photos.

As you can appreciate it takes some time for the JKS to process the applications and return your Grading Record book to us. It would be nice if everyone grading could receive their grading record book on the day and for this to happen we need the forms in this week.

For those not grading you are still encouraged to attend the Training Seminar with Sensei Scott Langley 5th Dan JKS before hand. It will benefit everyone to train with him even if you are only with us a couple of weeks.

We will send out letters of the Venue and the Times well in advance and also include a guide to proper conduct on the day in the Grading Hall, but for now keep free the 19th of June.