Jun 29, 2020

Information on Return to Classes

I hope that you and your families are well and that the past few months have not been too stressful.
We were delighted when the announcement came telling us that we could return to karate and we have been working with Sport Ireland and ONAKAI, (The governing body for karate) to make sure we are compliant with and training in Covid-19 Regulations.
The reason for this communication is so that we can inform student’s what changes will be made to protect you and what you will need to do to keep within Covid 19 Regulations.
Our plan is to run the first 3 weeks of July and then take a week off. We will run for the first 3 weeks of August and then hold a small grading for anyone who is ready and take a week off at the end of August. The expectation is that we will be under new regulations for a September return.

To keep your mind at ease we would like to let you know that some of the measures we are taking 

• Each class will have a trained Covid Officer  to ensure regulations are applied.
• Each person entering the dojo will complete a Health Check form, you can print off this in advance or collect them at the club.
• We will have established complete contact tracing records.
• We will minimize attendance.
• There will be rdeduce cash handling.
• The dojo will be sanitized before and after every class.
• There will be hand sanitizing points, on entry, on the main floor and after using the bathroom.
• There will be no equipment used.
• Parents will be discouraged from waiting on the premises.

To allow for social distancing we will be limiting class size in the dojo and as per regulations students must be pre-booked into their classes for the purpose of contact tracing.
This means that your space is always reserved for you whether you are there or not.
Due to the restricted class size and increased running costs we have to change our payment structure. Classes must be paid in advance on the first class of each month at a fee of €7 per class. There will be discounted fees for families and those training more often. 

  CLASS FEES (weekly)  
How Many :1 per week, 2 per week, 3 or more per week
1 person €7 €12 €15
2 people €12 €22 €28
3 people or more €15 €26 €30

  CLASS FEES (a 4 week month)  
How Many 1 per week 2 per week 3 or more per week
1 person €28 €50 €60
2 people €50 €88 €112
3 people or more €60 €104 €120

If you are in credit with classes since March, we have a record of this and will apply it to you. 

Please come 10 minutes before the start of class.

Students will line up, socially distanced outside, and enter one at a time to the downstairs area to sanitize their hands, pay and hand in their health check form. Health check forms can be found on the blog page, on our Facebook page under notes or collected in club.

If you come up the stairs you must fill in the health check form and be listed for contact tracing.
Students will be collected afterwards outside the dojo and not upstairs.

All class numbers will be restricted so as to allow the 2m social distance. However, we cannot guarantee that small children will always keep their distance and we will maintain increased hygiene to combat this.

As soon as possible I will message everyone their individual classes. If for some reason you cannot come to classes at this time, please let me know. Classes are over subscribed and if you have put your name down and know that you will not be there it is important to let us know as you are taking the place of someone else.
Fingers crossed I will see you next week.