May 25, 2011

Master Wally Dillon, Li Ching Wu

Malcolm and I where invited to a training seminar on Saturday in Ballina by MVF Martial Arts Club were Master Wally Dillon was instructing a seminar. I had previously seen Sifu on the cover of "Irish Fighter" and read an article that had really inspired me to meet him, he had such an interesting journey through his martial arts study.

Master Dillon was instructing courses over the weekend in various aspects of Li Chung Wu. Saturdays classes focused on ground fighting and holds.

Being inexperianced in ground work myself there was alot to take in! But Master Dillon was very patient and encouraging, building all techniques up gradually, which allowed me to get to grasp with what I was learning whilst going in to greater detail for those experianced grapplers.

After the seminar we got to talk with Sifu a little and I was pleasantly taken with what a humble accesable man he is. Once again I was reminded how much more there is to learn in martial arts and why it's one of the few activities that can be pursued for a lifetime. I look forward to training with Master Dillon again.